The city - sliced, diced and served with a dash of sauce
Pic/Sayyed Sameer Abedi
Are you listening to what i am saying?
Actor Richa Chadda seems to be intent on telling actor Vicky Kaushal something important at an event in Santacruz West on Friday.
A page from the book which has details of Australia's first innings of the Third Test against West Indies at the Melbourne Cricket Ground in December 1975. Greg Chappell and Clive Lloyd were the opposing captains
Keeping score the Frindall way!
Our in-house cricket nut recently acquired a book which we found quite unique if not strange. It's a scorebook of the 1975-76 Australia vs West Indies Test series in which the men from the Caribbean were decimated 5-1 by Greg Chappell's team, an army that included the dreaded fast bowling pair of Dennis Lillee and Jeff Thomson.
The cover of Bill Frindall's 1976 publication
The book which has scorer Bill Frindall's match-by-match scorecards of this famous series is fascinating and that's not only because of the late Englishman's neat handwriting. His match notes are precise and even mentions when the batsman has 'walked' without waiting for the umpire's decision. Of course, he also mentioned individual landmarks and injury breaks.
"The scoreboard is an a**," reckoned Neville Cardus, the iconic cricket writer, but Frindall, who was summoned by the eternal scorer in 2009, may not have agreed. We certainly don't.
Soumik Datta
Taking gaana bajana to the UK
British Indian sarod virtuoso Soumik Datta is trying to do his bit for British-India ties. He is organising Indian Summer Baaja, which will be a part of London's Horniman Museum's Indian Summer season on July 23. Datta has put together a line-up of UK-based musicians, storytellers and dancers whose contemporary practice is deep-rooted in the musical traditions of South Asia. "I wanted to celebrate ancient South Asian instruments such as the sarod, bansuri and kanjira that are now being played by dynamic second generation maestros in the UK with an urgency that keeps this music relevant," Let the music play, we say.
Remembering Raza
July 23 marks the first death anniversary of SH Raza, the eminent artist who became most notable for his Bindu series. On this occasion, his friends will gather at Mandla, the district in Madhya Pradesh where his grave is and where he spent his childhood. His dear friend, poet and former civil servant, Ashok Vajpeyi, tells us that a camp for students from art colleges in Bhopal, Indore and Gwalior, among other places, is being planned in Mandla this month. There will also be a concert by renowned Hindustani classical singer, Kalapini Komkali, daughter of the late Kumar Gandharva. Alongside these memorial events, trustees of the Raza Foundation will meet in Mandla — a change from the usual New Delhi venue. Vajpeyi shares that given the very wet conditions that Mandla sees during the monsoon, in the years to come, the memorial services are likely to be held in drier times.
Fashion at your fingertips
You know you're doing it right when your two-month old start-up gets invited to a reputable international conference. Recently, Jheal Shah, CEO of The Stylease, a rental fashion portal that deals in luxury Indian designer wear, was invited to attend the Y Combinator's 4th Annual Female Founders Conference in San Francisco. The event features female founders from around the world who provide practical advice on how to start and grow a start-up. "I met some interesting entrepreneurs from across the world. For instance, I met somebody who is trying to invent a fabric which makes you feel warm when it's cold outside, and vice versa. I also met people who are trying to simplify fashion by making it available to the masses, which is what we do," says the 28-year-old. Her company is the first e-portal and brick and mortar store that allows you to buy, sell or rent out your designer outfits. "The idea is to save time, which is the most precious commodity," she says.
Of gluten-free beery menus
A random visit to a stationery shop and we spotted menu cards being cut and stacked in neat order. The art appealed and when we asked which place it belonged to, we were told One Street Over near Linking Road, Bandra. Of course, now there was nothing to prevent us from checking out more. Turns out that the stationery guy got his restaurants confused. What he was giving shape to was the menu of Bastian (which is almost just across the street). We hear, much has been brewing there, what with a new lunch service and all. Plus, the menu did boast a gluten-free beer, that too, at fairly reasonable rates. Well, we know where we are drunching next.