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18 deaths in Myanmar on Sunday: UN Human Rights Office

Updated on: 02 March,2021 09:16 AM IST  |  Myanmar
Agencies |

Unofficial sources say the death toll could be anywhere between 25 and 30, as quite a few protesters were reported missing. More than 30 protesters were wounded, rescue workers and the Burmese media said.

18 deaths in Myanmar on Sunday: UN Human Rights Office

Protesters run away from tear gas launched by security forces in Yangon on Monday. Pic/AP/PTI

The UN Human Rights Office says it has “credible information” of at least 18 deaths across Myanmar on Sunday during a crackdown on anti-military protesters. Unofficial sources say the death toll could be anywhere between 25 and 30, as quite a few protesters were reported missing. More than 30 protesters were wounded, rescue workers and the Burmese media said.

“The deaths reportedly occurred as a result of live ammunition fired into the crowds in Yangon, Dawei, Mandalay, Myeik, Bago and Pokokku. Tear gas was also reportedly used in various locations as well as flash-bang and stun grenades,” the UN Human Rights Office said in a statement. “We strongly condemn the escalating violence against the protesters in Myanmar,” UN Human Rights Asia spokesperson Ravina Shamdasani said.

Suu Kyi appears in court via video link
Myanmar’s former de-facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi on Monday appeared in court via video link, marking her first public appearance since her detention. The former State Counsellor has been under house arrest in an undisclosed location, said a BBC report. 

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