Singer and Bigg Boss 14 contestant Rahul Vaidya and television actor Disha Parmar tied the knot in a glitzy intimate ceremony on July 16. The couple hosted guests, including Arjun Bijlani, Shweta Tiwari, Sana Makbul, Anushka Singh, Mika Singh, Vishal Aditya Singh, Jasmin Bhasin, Aly Goni, Rakhi Sawant, Rashmi Desai and Arshi Khan, for a star-studded ceremony, that they called the 'sangeet' after their wedding.
19 July,2021 12:00 AM IST | MumbaiArshi Khan poses for a glam photoshoot by Vishal Saxena. Video By - Bhupesh Sharma, MiD-DAY
08 September,2015 10:31 AM ISTA fatwa has been issued against model Arshi Khan for tweeting about her physical relationship with Pakistani cricketer Shahid Afridi. She had earlier tweeted, 'Yes, I had sex with Afridi! Do I need the Indian media's permission to sleep with someone?
02 November,2015 08:56 AM ISTEver since she entered the Bigg boss house, Arshi Khan made it very clear that how much she dislikes Vikas Gupta. In the latest episode of Bigg Boss 14, the two were seen arguing with one another. Arshi fought with Vikas and also warned him to save himself from her. Rubina Dilaik and Eijaz Khan indulge into a heated argument during the captaincy task. Watch the video to know the highlights of the latest episode of BB 14.
09 December,2020 03:34 PM ISTADVERTISEMENT