Splitsvilla X5 has just ended, and Jashwant Bhopana and Akiriti Negi lifted the trophy of the reality show. After a successful run, the makers threw a success bash, and almost all the contestants of the show attended the grand party. From Siwet Tomar, Anicka, Rushali Yadav, and Kashish Kapoor to Ishita Rawat and Shobhika Bali, take a look at the contestants who attended the bash
13 August,2024 01:52 PM IST | Shachi ChaturvediMTV VMAs 2023: Missed out on the fashion goals of the night? We've got you covered. From Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Shakira, and Cardi-B to Nicki Minaj - These are the best red carpet moments!
13 September,2023 03:27 PM IST | Los Angeles | Tuhina UpadhyayThe contestants of Rohit Shetty's 'Khatron Ke Khiladi 13' got into exclusive chats with mid-day.com. Catch all the interviews on mid-day's Youtube page.
17 May,2023 03:49 PM IST | Natasha Coutinho D'SouzaHrithik Roshan kickstarts shooting for his next, 'Fighter'. "Tried to make sign language the 23rd official language of India", says Ranveer Singh. Aamir Khan to sit on producer's chair for his next project, 'Champions' Armaan Malik makes India proud, bags 'Best India Act' award at the MTV Europe Music Awards 2022.
14 November,2022 09:09 PM ISTRahul Khanna celebrates his birthday on June 20. As he turns 50 this year, here are 15 of his hottest pictures that will make you swoon, along with some facts about Khanna you may have not known before.
20 June,2022 12:09 PM ISTADVERTISEMENT