The Warkari community participated in the 'Bhavya Palkhi Sohala' procession at Five Gardens, Wadala, in Mumbai on Sunday. During this procession, the 'palkhis' carrying idols of deities are carried by devotees through the streets, accompanied by chanting, singing, and devotional music (PICS/SHADAB KHAN)
05 January,2025 07:49 PM IST | Divya NairA dense layer of smog was seen over Mumbai as the air quality deteriorated to 162 on Sunday evening (PIC/SHADAB KHAN)
05 January,2025 06:25 PM IST | Divya NairWorkers at Sion carried out essential maintenance during the Central Railway mega block on Sunday, with trains diverted on the Matunga-Mulund lines, resulting in 15-minute delays. (PICS/ASHISH RAJE)
05 January,2025 04:50 PM IST | Jyoti ShuklaSeekers of new experiences are now heading to coffee raves that are transforming coffee shops into alternative gig venues. (Story by Junisha Dama)
05 January,2025 01:48 PM IST | Jyoti ShuklaThe night temperature in Kashmir has dipped sharply, with Kokernag freezing at minus 8.1°C, the coldest in the valley. In Srinagar, the mercury settled at a low of minus 2.5°C, as reported by the Met department. (PIC/PTI)
05 January,2025 12:25 PM IST | Anisha ShrivastavaUttar Pradesh police conducted a mock drill at various sites of the Mahakumbh Mela Nagar in preparation for the large religious event. Uttar Pradesh's Director General of Police (DGP) Prashant Kumar personally inspected the ongoing security arrangements for the Mahakumbh Mela, set to begin on January 13. (PICS/PTI)
05 January,2025 12:16 PM IST | Anisha ShrivastavaUnion Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal on Saturday chaired a high-level meeting with civic officials on health, infrastructure and welfare projects in Mumbai. Pics/Shadab Khan
04 January,2025 08:34 PM IST | Asif Ali SayedAn atmosphere of spiritual fervour an devotion has filled the air in Prayagraj as the much-awaited Mahakumbh Mela draws near. Pics/PTI
04 January,2025 07:53 PM IST | Asif Ali SayedTwo Indian Navy women officers on board the Indian Naval Sailing Vessel (INSV) Tarini left Lyttelton Port, New Zealand, on Saturday for its third leg to Port Stanley. This is the longest leg of the expedition, with a distance of approx. 10,400 km. (Story and Pics by Defence pro)
04 January,2025 06:48 PM IST | Joy ManikumarStudents of RSP Band performed in Mumbai on the occasion of Maharashtra Police Foundation Day, which is commemorated on January 2 every year (Pics/Sayyed Sameer Abedi)
04 January,2025 06:11 PM IST | Joy ManikumarADVERTISEMENT