Mohanlal's much-anticipated directorial debut, 'Barroz,' held a special screening in Mumbai. The event saw an impressive turnout of prominent Bollywood figures who graced the red carpet. Among the notable attendees were producer Boney Kapoor, renowned director Rajkumar Santoshi, and acclaimed scriptwriter Rumy Jafry, all of whom added star power to the occasion.
27 December,2024 11:32 PM ISTActor, Director, Writer and Producer Chinmay Mandlekar has left everyone in awe of him after his latest performances in The Kashmir Files and Gandhi Godse. In an exclusive interview with Mid-day, he talked about The Kashmir Files controversy, Pathaan’s success, boycott bollywood trend, and which hat does he identify the most with! #ChinmayMandlekar #TheKashmirFiles #Pathaan #GandhiGodseEkYudh #NadavLapid
06 March,2023 10:55 PM ISTRajkumar Santoshi’s Gandhi Godse: Ek Yudh was released on 26th January 2023. Watch what the audience has to say about the movie.
27 January,2023 02:40 PM IST | MumbaiKatrina Kaif and Abhishek Bachchan will share the screen again after five years in Rajkumar Santoshi's next romantic comedy
03 February,2011 10:24 AM ISTVashu Bhagnani, Rajkumar Santoshi denies offering Katrina Kaif Rs 20 crore to work opposite Bhagnani's son Jackky
03 December,2011 05:51 PM ISTADVERTISEMENT