Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, who was arrested on Saturday at Le Bourget airport outside Paris as part of a judicial inquiry into allegations that the messaging app is being used for illegal activities, has been released, said French prosecutors. Pics/ AFP, AP & Facebook
28 August,2024 09:05 PM IST | Sanjana DeshpandeRussia unleashed a massive drone and missile barrage throughout Ukraine on Monday that appeared to target energy infrastructure. At least three people were reported killed. (Pics/APF)
26 August,2024 03:10 PM IST | ronak mastakarPrime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday arrived in Poland on the first leg of his two-nation visit during which he will also travel to the Ukrainian capital Kyiv and share perspectives with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on a peaceful resolution of the Ukraine conflict. Pics/PTI
21 August,2024 07:18 PM IST | Asif Ali SayedRussian President Vladimir Putin has warned the United States against the deployment of long-range missiles in Germany, saying Moscow, in that case, would restart production of intermediate-range nuclear weapons and station similar missiles within striking distance of the West, Al Jazeera reported. (Pics/AFP)
29 July,2024 05:21 PM IST | ronak mastakarPrime Minister Narendra Modi met Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer for a private engagement ahead of their official talks on Wednesday to tap the full potential of the bilateral partnership. Pics/ PTI and AP
10 July,2024 04:01 PM IST | Jasmeen ShaikhPresident Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is on a two-day official visit to Russia, held an informal meeting on Monday at the Novo-Ogaryovo residence of the Russian president near Moscow (Pics/AFP)
09 July,2024 12:32 PM IST | ronak mastakarRussian President Vladimir Putin arrived in North Korea early on Wednesday, after saying the two countries want to cooperate closely to overcome US-led sanctions in the face of intensifying confrontations with Washington (Pics/AFP)
19 June,2024 11:08 AM IST | ronak mastakarUS President Joe Biden has approved the deployment of another Patriot missile system to Ukraine amid raging conflict with Russia, the New York Times reported citing senior administration and military officials (Pics/AFP)
12 June,2024 03:05 PM IST | ronak mastakarChinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Thursday held talks on the future trajectory of their strategic ties amid mounting pressure by the US and EU on Beijing to scale down its support to Moscow's continuing war in Ukraine (Pics/AFP)
16 May,2024 02:27 PM IST | ronak mastakarUkraine said it hit two Russian naval vessels along with a communications centre and several other facilities belonging to the Black Sea Fleet on the Crimean port of Sevastopol in an overnight attack, CNN reported (Pics/AFP)
25 March,2024 01:46 PM IST | ronak mastakarADVERTISEMENT