Lottery king Santiago Martin's Future Gaming was the biggest purchaser of electoral bonds at Rs 1,368 crore, of which nearly 37 per cent went to the DMK, the Election Commission data showed on March 17. The company donated Rs 509 crore to Tamil Nadu's ruling party, Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK), through the electoral bond. Tamil Nadu’s BJP Chief K Annamalai slammed the DMK-led MK Stalin Government and said, “How can you get 90 per cent from a company that too is involved in lottery and gaming? DMK has to come out. Chief Minister has gone against one private new magazine in Tamil Nadu for defamation, where he has given in writing to a Court an affidavit that he never took money from any of the companies that are involved in the gambling and gaming business.”
18 March,2024 04:59 PM IST20 year Old Karishma Ali was attacked with acid by her husband and lover in Nalasopara. Karishma Ali got severely burnt in this attack. Karishma’s treatment is underway in the Sopara Multispeciality Hospital in Nalasopara. Her husband, Taufeeq Akbar Idrisi and lover Kamran Thekedar Ansari attacked her with acid while she was asleep in her house. Both her husband and lover have absconded from the scene and the police are on a lookout for them.
05 November,2022 09:39 PM IST | MumbaiOver a hundred deaths were reported during the third wave at the Seven Hills Hospital in Mumbai. As per a BMC report on Covid-19 deaths in the hospital, 135 patients died out of the 4,256 admitted between December 1-January 18 and 80 per cent of them were senior citizens.
29 January,2022 09:36 PM IST | MumbaiThe spike in the cases has left the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) officials worried ahead of the festive season beginning on September 10 with the 'Ganesh Chaturthi'.
07 September,2021 12:00 AM IST | MumbaiSeveral students of civic-run schools have been missing out on online education because they don’t have internet access. Now Mumbai's student and school principal associations have asked the BMC to pay students’ mobile data charges for civic-run schools.
08 June,2021 12:00 AM IST | MumbaiEven though the clean-up marshals have been on duty collecting fines from people for not wearing masks in the city, there has been a huge increase in the number of people penalized. Meanwhile, on 11th February, Mumbai Police, local residents, and activists offered red roses to traffic violators in the Dharavi and Mahim suburbs of Mumbai. Watch this video to find out more.
12 February,2021 12:00 AM IST | MumbaiPolitical leaders on Wednesday react after an analysis of the GPS devices found on three terrorists who attacked a police station in Punjab's Gurdaspur revealed that their location on July 21 was in Pakistan.
29 July,2015 01:08 PM ISTSignal computing scientist Dr. T Jeyaprabhu took two years before he claimed that the missing MH 370 aircraft is nothing but a signal-level hijacking and the debris are located near reunion islands. He said that the search authorities took this easily and now few days before the Malaysian search authorities had recovered few debris on the same location where we located.
19 April,2016 09:14 AM ISTADVERTISEMENT