Bollywood actor R.Madhavan is back with a bang and that too in a totally new avatar. Madhavan who has got in to the shoes of a producer too for his upcoming flick 'Saala Khadoos' is all set to woo his fans by showing his unexplored potential on the big screen.
17 December,2015 10:33 AM ISTBoxer Ritika Singh, who makes her debut in upcoming film 'Saala Khadoos', has a link with school cricket hero Pranav Dhanawade. Video: Mandar Shirsekar,Mid-Day
12 January,2016 08:24 PM ISTBoxer Ritika Singh and actor Madhavan promote their upcoming movie Saala Khadoos at a five star hotel in Mumbai Video: Mandar Shirsekar,Mid-Day
12 January,2016 08:32 PM ISTBollywood actor Aamir Khan is quite excited about the release of R Madhavan's upcoming film 'Saala Khadoos,' and has been tweeting good wishes for the success of the film. But Madhavan is not ready to ask the superstar for his help in promoting the film.
15 January,2016 09:53 PM ISTBollywood has finally started giving some importance to sports flicks and Rajkumar Hirani is all set to give another sports based film to Bollywood in the form of 'Saala Khadoos'.
18 January,2016 12:22 PM ISTThe team of Rajkumar Hirani's upcoming film 'Saala Khadoos' recently met legendary Indian athlete Milkha Singh in Chandigarh.Milkha Singh expressed his delight to note that the directors and producers of Hirani's repute are promoting sports oriented films in the country.
28 January,2016 10:43 AM ISTR Madhavan's latest outing, 'Saala Khadoos', which hit theatres last month, had piqued the interest of legendary American boxer Mike Tyson. Video: Mandar Shirsekar
11 February,2016 07:31 PM ISTMixed martial artist-turned-actress Ritika Singh is on cloud nine after winning the National Award in the Special Mention category for her role in Tamil sports drama 'rudhi Suttru'.
31 March,2016 06:41 PM ISTR Madhavan celebrates his 47th birthday with fans at special screening of his last release, 'Saala Khadoos' at a multiplex in Mumbai
05 June,2017 01:30 PM ISTADVERTISEMENT