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Home > Technology News > Gmail on iOS finally gets payments snooze email feature

Gmail on iOS finally gets payments, snooze email feature

Updated on: 08 May,2018 02:06 PM IST  |  California

As part of the new update version 5.0.180422, iOS users will be able to send and request money from Gmail

Gmail on iOS finally gets payments, snooze email feature

Gmail on iOS finally gets payments, snooze email feature

Representational picture

California: A year after introducing the ability to send or request money on Android app, Gmail is finally extending its pay friends feature to its iOS users.

As part of the new update version 5.0.180422, iOS users will be able to send and request money from Gmail, Cnet reports.

In addition to that, iOS users will also be able to snooze emails. The feature makes the email disappear for a while and then show up later as a fresh email.

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