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Home > Technology News > Microsoft Teams faces major outage users unable to access app

Microsoft Teams faces major outage, users unable to access app

Updated on: 21 July,2022 02:10 PM IST  |  New Delhi

The tech giant said it received reports of users being unable to access the application or leverage any features, and is currently investigating the issue

Microsoft Teams faces major outage, users unable to access app

Users reported facing outage while using the Microsoft Teams app earlier today. Photo Courtesy: AFP

On a busy work day, several users have reported that they have been unable to access Microsoft Teams. The tech giant on July 21 confirmed that the app was facing a major outage and posted about it on Twitter, soon enough several users took to the microblogging site to react to the outage.

Microsoft said it received reports of users being unable to access Microsoft Teams or leverage any features and said the company is investigating the issue.

"We have determined that a recent deployment contained a broken connection to an internal storage service, which has resulted in impact. We are working to direct traffic to a healthy service to mitigate impact," the company wrote on Twitter.

The company also said that it has identified downstream impact to multiple Microsoft 365 services with Teams integration, such as Microsoft Word, Office Online and SharePoint Online.

"We are providing updates for those services via MO402741 in the admin centre or through https://status.office.com," the company said.

A few users also published memes on social media platforms to respond to the outage.

"An urgent meeting in which I was supposed to be thrashed is now cancelled. Thank you so much, Microsoft Teams," a user wrote on Twitter.

"Microsoft Teams is down and now I have to walk to the desk next to me to ask a question," another user said.

Meanwhile, Microsoft tweeted: "Our telemetry indicates that Microsoft Teams functionality is beginning to recover. We are continuing our efforts to implement relief within the environment".

Also Read: Twitter testing new feature 'CoTweets', allowing users to co-author a tweet

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