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Sip on these 8 new unique cocktails at this Mumbai restaurant

Updated on: 22 June,2023 08:22 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Tanishka D’Lyma | mailbag@mid-day.com

Sip on eight new creations inspired by the city and its whims and charms in a new drinks menu

Sip on these 8 new unique cocktails at this Mumbai restaurant

(From left) Waiting list, phool, and paparazzi cocktails

What are the true flavours of Mumbai? It offers different tastes to everyone. But the folks at The Bombay Canteen have uncovered it in its quintessential forms after having spent a good amount of time eavesdropping, observing and traversing its lines. Mirroring these discoveries in their fifth cocktail menu Make Mine A Bombay and Canteen Cocktail Book, they have captured the city’s true ‘spirit’ in eight new cocktails.

They kick off the menu with phool, a gin-based number with marigold soda, umeshu and floral liqueur that’s inspired by Dadar’s flower market. Then there’s the ode to the city’s paparazzi through its eponymous drink with vodka, rhubarb, burrata whey and bitters in a tart yet fruity cocktail. The two that catch our eye is the waiting list, inspired by the winding line of breakfasters at a popular Matunga eatery. This one is a savoury coconut fat-washed and tequila-based cocktail with curry leaf soda. The other intriguing drink might let you relive memories of lovers commuting in a kaali peeli; it’s called rear view, and has a combination of black garlic, honey, ginger, lemon and tequila for the ultimate umami bomb. The final four are a mix of floral, tropical, aromatic and bittersweet flavours that you will have to head to the restaurant and taste yourself. 

Time 12 pm to 1 am (every day) 
At The Bombay Canteen, SB Road, Kamala Mills, Lower Parel. 
Call 8880802424 (for reservations) 
Cost Rs 675 onwards

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