Cops will be trained in solving cyber crime as well as how to computerise records and streamline processes to improve their performance.
Cops will be trained in solving cyber crime as well as how to computerise records and streamline processes to improve their performance.
Starting this year, the city police officers will also been trained to handle cyber crime cases, which is one of the area of concern for the IT capital city. The city police chief Shankar Bidari has decided to set up an in-house training center for his men to handle cyber crime cases, which has so far being taken care by the Cyber Crime Unit attached to the CID.
Virtually prepared: Commissioner Bidari said that they need to upgrade
themselves with the growing challenges, and so it was decided to educate
all police officers to tackle any situation. Representation pic
Bidari said, "Cyber crime and traffic regulation and enforcement are the two main areas that we need to focus on. So we have drawn an action plan for the New Year to train all officers to handle this more effectively."
Bidari said that besides being known as the silicon city, Bangalore is also famous for its composite culture and peace, compared with other metros in the world.u00a0 "The credit goes to the city police, who have succeeded in maintaining the law and order effectively," he said claiming that the city police could be adjudged as best police force in the world.
"Though we have achieved the target this year, we need to upgrade ourselves with the growing challenges, and so it was decided to educate all police officers, he said.
The city needs to have a dedicated force to combat terror threats, for which it was decided to appoint a senior police officer at the rank of DCP to head Force One, an anti-terrorist unit. The unit will comprise of Anti-Sabotage and Bomb Disposal teams to respond quickly in emergencies.
Other plans
>> Up-gradation of the control room by creating the post of a DCP with supporting staff to keep an eye on GPS monitoring system, petro-cards and video surveillance systems.
>> Proposal of three new Armoury buildings.
>> Establishment of a VIP security wing on an independent basis along with MT Section, the Armoury and other infrastructure.
>> Proposal for empowering DCPs and ACPs with magisterial powers.
>> Reallocation and redistribution of staff from the Control Room and police stations, to areas where they are needed more, keeping in view the crime, law and order and area. u00a0"All the above mentioned targets will be fulfilled by resorting to reallocation/surrender of posts without involving any additional expenditure to the exchequer, Bidari said.
Fully computerised |
** Computerisation of information regarding foreign nationals staying/ arriving/leaving/absconding, in co-ordination with the Foreign Regional Registration Offices (FRRO). ** Completion of computerisation of the passport verification process and to ensure that it is completed within a period of 15 days. ** Establishment of a data centre in the Special Branch for collection, maintenance and analysis of the information related to activities of terrorist organisations and extremists. ** Computerisation of licences issued for processions and public meetings and mic licences. |