Have a penchant for fitness and flawless skin, just the way you dig shopping? A gym giant's maiden mall outlet in town makes both possible, saath saath
Glam gymming
Have a penchant for fitness and flawless skin, just the way you dig shopping? A gym giant's maiden mall outlet in town makes both possible, saath saath
Been a mall rat long enough? Now, turn the hobby into something useful building a hot bod, for instance. As Mumbai's famed gym joint Talwalkars anchors itself at a swish mall in town, we get into the groove of sweating it out. Here's more.
Inching to perfection: Talwalkars Fit and Active gymnasium offers a variety of facilities, such as weight management (gain/loss) programs, total fitness programs and complete health club facilities including cardio workouts, steam, spinning/ aerobic workouts and more. Members will also get access to personal trainers and nutritionists. "Apart from the regular exercise routine at the gym, we also offer kick boxing and power yoga to our clients. With 35 certified trainers, physiotherapists and 28 cardiac equipments, you can be rest assured to look forward to a complete gymming experience," elaborates Godwin Xavier, manager.
Touch therapy: For those of you who want to pamper themselves with a range of beauty and therapeutic treatments, the Sparsh spa poses as an ideal choice. The spa offers a variety of passive fitness regimes through Ayurveda, body touch, face touch and hair touch, apart from the usual luxurious and therapeutic facilities and beauty correctional treatments. Those who believe in the power of Ayurveda can go in for Taruna Kalpa: weight and figure management through gym and Ayurveda, Kesha Kalpa: Ayurvedic kaya kalpa for hair, Angana Kalpa: weight and skin care through gym, Ayurveda and beauty and Karma Kalpa: weight and stress management through gym and Ayurveda. Take your pick.
Talwalkars Fit & Active gymnasium
Add: Third floor, The Great India Place Sector 38 A, Noida
Ring: 0120-4287542u00a0
Annual membership:
Gym: Rs 18,000
Spa: Rs 25,000