What do you know about cyanide?
We have read about this instant killer in spy novels and also know that many soldiers belonging to the LTTE wore a capsule of cyanide around their necks to kill themselves if they were caught.
Though generally a killer, Wikipedia says that 'the cyanide compound sodium nitroprusside is occasionally used in emergency medical situations to produce a rapid decrease in blood pressure in humans'.
But if you are interested in poisons other than Cyanide, you could check out this site, which gives you details of over 40 different poisons, ranging from Aconite to Yew.
Again, this site gives information of poisons that can be used for good. For example, there is Strophanthus, which is used for its influence on the circulation, especially in cases of chronic heart weakness.
Of course, if you are one of those people who want a top ten for the poisons category, you will find it here, with castor bean ranking ten and cyanide ranking first.
And of course, ancient India is on top here too and a verse in Sanskrit says, 'Jalam visravayet sarmavamavisravyam ca dusayet,' which translates to 'Waters of wells were to be mixed with poison and thus polluted.'