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Covid-19: India sees 202 new cases and two deaths

Updated on: 04 June,2023 09:53 AM IST  |  New Delhi
mid-day online correspondent |

As the country reported two more deaths due to Covid-19, the death toll has increased to 5,31,880, the data updated at 8 am stated

Covid-19: India sees 202 new cases and two deaths

Representative image/iStock

On Sunday, India reported 202 new Covid-19 cases and two deaths, according to the Union Health Ministry data.

Currently, there are 3,343 active cases in the country. The active cases have decreased to 3,343 from 3,502, on the previous day. 

As the country reported two more deaths due to Covid-19, the death toll has increased to 5,31,880, the data updated at 8 am stated.

The Covid case tally was recorded at 4,49,91,582.

The active cases now comprise 0.01 per cent of the total infections.

The Covid-19 recovery rate of India has been recorded at 98.81 per cent.

The number of people who have recuperated from the disease surged to 4,44, 56,359.

As per the data shared by the ministry, the case fatality rate was recorded at 1.18 per cent.

According to the ministry's website, 220.66 crore doses of Covid vaccine have been administered in the country so far under the nationwide vaccination drive.

Meanwhile, Maharashtra reported 20 cases of Covid-19 on Saturday evening of which five cases were recorded in Mumbai city. 

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