Saving water should be a year-round and lifelong exercise, one that begins at home in small ways and continues outside too
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There have been a flurry of reports after the recent heavy rains. Some say that lakes are overflowing. Others say that water cuts will continue and that there is not enough water in catchment areas. So many compare rains of last year during the same time period. All this can be extremely confusing and is like a pendulum, swinging one way and back.
What is important though is that while we may be wondering what to make of these, we must have one consistent aim: to save water. Let all these reports of overflowing lakes not lull us into complacency about there being surplus water. Saving water should, in fact, be part of our mental make-up now, never mind the rains, or lack of them, or the excess or whatever.
Saving water should be a year-round and lifelong exercise, one that begins at home in small ways and continues outside too.
Too often, there is an attitude that saving water is for someone else, or, that one may never be affected. This is a dangerous self-deception. Begin by using a bucket at home for bathing and save water while brushing your teeth, cleaning items and other activities.
Learn about rainwater harvesting from credible sources, and see if your society committee is interested and active enough to start an initiative like that in the building. Cars that are washed and cleaned, cleaning of common building areas, the terrace, all that can be done with saving water uppermost in mind, not just when we have a weak/below-par monsoon.
Saving the precious resource has to be weaved into school lessons itself, so that children are weaned on the save water philosophy. Make it part of life, and spread awareness so that it is not weather or water levels that dictate your behaviour, but innate training and upbringing.