Laapataa Ladies, directed by Kiran Rao and produced by Aamir Khan, has become one of the standout movies of 2024. The story follows two young brides who get separated from a train, leading to a journey of self-discovery. If you enjoyed the lighthearted humour, strong performances, and subtle feminist themes, here are seven similar movies you should check out:
24 September,2024 06:08 PM IST | Tuhina UpadhyayLatest OTT releases to watch this week: It's that time of the week again when we bring you the freshest updates from the world of over-the-top (OTT) entertainment. The next seven days are packed with a delightful mix of movies and TV shows that promise to satisfy all your binge-watching cravings. So, grab your popcorn, and let's dive into the exciting lineup.
30 April,2024 03:39 PM IST | Tuhina UpadhyayAamir Khan turned a year older today and guess what Mr. Perfectionist was up to? He was celebrating the happy occasion with the 'Laapataa Ladies' crew and feeding birthday cake to Kiran Rao. We've got some amazing pictures for you to check out!
14 March,2024 12:32 PM IST | Tuhina UpadhyayTop releases to watch in March 2024: From 'Yodha' to 'Showtime,' there's something for everyone. So, sit back and get ready for a month full of great content!
01 March,2024 04:11 PM IST | Tuhina Upadhyay'Laapataa Ladies' is standing very close to its release and the makers are leaving no stone unturned to make it reach a wider audience. The special premiere of the film was held in Mumbai today, which was attended by the biggest Bollywood celebrities
27 February,2024 10:55 PM IST | Shachi ChaturvediADVERTISEMENT