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Gerrard's wife wants him to quit being Rangers boss for family time

Updated on: 28 October,2020 07:47 AM IST  |  Mumbai
A correspondent |

Gerrard told the High Performance podcast: "There are times when it dominates your life and you cant control that.

Gerrard's wife wants him to quit being Rangers boss for family time

Steven Gerrard and Alex

Former England footballer Steven Gerrard, 40, has revealed that his wife Alex, 38, would love to see him quit managerial duties and spend some peaceful family time. Gerrard, who has four kids, Lilly-Ella, 16, Lexi, 14, Lourdes, eight and Lio, three, is the manager of Scottish Premiership club, Rangers.

Gerrard told the High Performance podcast: "There are times when it dominates your life and you can't control that. That's what it is. But there will be a stage in my life where I have to give it up, for the sake of my family and for myself. To cut it, and live life with a bit of peace.

"For Alex and the kids, at some stage, I'm going to have to give myself to them, 100%. When that will be, who knows? Alex would take it tomorrow. She'd take it tomorrow."

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