I was just taken aback, but I really want to let him know how I feel and ask if he feels the same way. What do I do? What do I tell him?
Illustration/Uday Mohite
I recently met someone at a party, and we got along so well that we exchanged our numbers. He asked me out a week later and we met off and on over a few weekends. I like him a lot and, a few weeks ago, he just came right out and asked if I had feelings for him. I was so surprised that I just stammered something and changed the subject. Since then, he has been distant. He still responds to my messages, but hasn’t asked me out, and I think I have ruined my chances of getting to know him better. I was just taken aback, but I really want to let him know how I feel and ask if he feels the same way. What do I do? What do I tell him?
You can ask him out, for a start, instead of waiting for him to make that move. Asking him is a sign of interest, and his acceptance or refusal will be a huge indicator of how he feels. If you can’t say something to him directly, why not message him and explain why his question caught you off guard? Honesty is always a great thing and, if that is what happened, he should have no problem accepting it. If he doesn’t react well to your directness, it should tell you that he probably doesn’t reciprocate. Also, if someone doesn’t appreciate honesty from another person, it may be a red flag you shouldn’t ignore.
A girl I have a huge crush on used to smile at me a lot but doesn’t make eye contact anymore. I don’t know what happened because I have never exchanged a word with her. I didn’t do anything, so I am confused and hurt. How do I tell her that I like her?
You can start by exchanging a few words and introducing yourself. If she doesn’t respond with any warmth, it’s probably because she isn’t interested. Relying on smiles and eye contact can only take you so far.
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