There are no legal options you can pursue, so all you have to rely on for now is patience.
Illustration/Uday Mohite
I recently found out that my girlfriend has some serious health conditions, but her family is refusing to tell me what is going on. She doesn’t have her phone with her, and they don’t allow her to call me because they say she is recuperating. I am worried about her, but also angry because it feels as if they are denying me a right to know what is going on. Her family members have always been against our relationship, so I feel as if this is just an excuse for them to try and separate us. What should I do? I can’t force them to tell me anything.
You may have to wait until you hear from your girlfriend. As an adult, she has the right to contact you whenever she can. Not knowing what is going on is frustrating, but the decision to share information ultimately lies with her family until she is better and eventually has the ability to get in touch. Try reaching out to common friends to find out what you can. There are no legal options you can pursue, so all you have to rely on for now is patience.
My boyfriend is a calm, rational person, and I am the opposite. I am always anxious and hyper-active, which makes it difficult for me to stay calm. When we are on holiday, I can’t even relax. This used to be okay because he knew what I was like, but I have begun to feel as if he can’t take this anymore. He says we are not compatible, and I know what he means, but I don’t want this relationship to end because of it. How do I calm down?
You need to understand the root cause of your behaviour, and where this anxiety stems from. There’s nothing wrong with being hyper-active, but if it has an impact on your relationships with other people, it may help to speak to a medical professional and examine how this is affecting your physical and mental health.
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