Sign up for a workshop where food and film will play the role of catalysts to understand society
A still from Chef
Food has been central to the human experience since time immemorial, and cinema has further reinforced this idea. Now, at a workshop, the two ideas will converge in the course of a conversation set within the social milieu. “We are the only species that sees food not just for subsistence but as an art form,” says Swati Jena, community captain of Dialogues with Cinema Meet-Up, which is organising the event.
Irrfan Khan in a scene from The Lunchbox
The conversation will focus around the idea of a selection of films where food is central to the plot. The audience is recommended to join after watching the list of films suggested in order to have a free-flowing discussion. The session will be hosted by Aamatullah Rajkotwala, who runs a film club (@theshapeofcinema_) and will speak about the relationship that food and cinema hold in the larger aspect of the plot, and society as a whole.
Meryl Streep in the film Julie and Julia
“The reason for choosing these films was largely because of their accessibility and that their plots are driven by food. Films like Ratatouille and Chef are themed on restaurants and have been loved over the years. In films like Julie and Julia and The Lunchbox, we gauge gender roles, and how cooking in many ways is an expression of love,” comments Jena.
Some of these eclectic films focus on various aspects of cultural values that are embedded within these plots, like Spirited Away and Hundred Foot Journey, which help in understanding the global value of food and culture. The workshop will give much needed insight into the workings of the kitchen and its impact on socio-cultural wealth of the community.
Aamatullah Rajkotwala
“This is an audience-driven discussion; we are looking for an open-ended conversation at this session. It stays with the idea of expanding a deeper understanding of film text and the world,” says Jena.
On: October 31, 8.30 pm onwards
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What’s your food and film quotient?
1. Who directed The Lunchbox?
2. Which chef guides Ratatouille in his journey into the culinary arts?
3. Who is the character of Meryl Streep based on in the movie Julie and Julia?
4. What cuisine is highlighted in the film, Chef?
5. Who plays Madame Mallory in Hundred Foot Journey?
1. Ritesh Batra
2. Augusta Cousteau
3. Julia Child
4. Cuban
5. Helen Mirren